We Prosper Together’s Regional Plan: Strategies for a Thriving and Inclusive Economy

About Our Regional Plan

Building off the Capital Region Economic Assessment, We Prosper Together’s Regional Plan: Strategies for a Thriving and Inclusive Economy provides a shared roadmap for creating a thriving and equitable economy in the Capital Region.

The resulting strategies and priorities of the plan will guide future investments across the region, including those made by We Prosper Together. Shaped by input from our diverse communities, the strategies are focused on creating high-quality jobs, connecting disinvested communities to opportunities, and ensuring equitable outcomes across our entire region.

This plan marks the conclusion of a two-year planning phase that included the establishment of We Prosper Together’s Collaborative, extensive community engagement, and comprehensive research. As we transition into implementation, we must work collectively as a region to put the Regional Plan into action and drive meaningful progress.

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary provides an overview and key highlights of that plan that will lay the foundation for a resilient and inclusive economy in the Capital Region.

Full Regional Plan

The full Regional Plan offers a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the shared strategies and priorities that will help accelerate the region toward a future where all families can thrive.

Regional Plan Vision

To ensure economic growth benefits everyone in the region and opportunity is expanded, the strategies laid out are three-fold:

and create high quality jobs in priority tradable clusters.


disinvested communities to currently available quality jobs.


strategies that foster inclusion and ensure equitable outcomes.

Capital Region Economic Assessment

In July of 2023, We Prosper Together began a collaborative research process to conduct a holistic assessment of the Capital Region’s economic, climate, and public health as part of the California Jobs First program. 

This body of research, also referred to as Regional Plan Part 1, assesses key assets, opportunities, and challenges in the Capital Region. It also captures the beginnings of a shared philosophy and framework for a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous economy.

Dive into the Data

Community Summary

The Basics: The Community Summary is a great resource for those who are new to economic development or just want to know the key highlights.

Executive Summary

Short and Sweet: The Executive Summary provides a concise overview of the purpose, key findings, methodologies, and implications of the research.

Full Report

Going Deep: The Full Report offers comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the research for those who are interested in the full breadth of findings.

Interactive Data Book

Engaging and Dynamic: The Interactive Data Book is great for those who are visual learners. Navigate through various data visualizations, and filter information based on your interests.


Priority Industry Clusters

Explore Further: This interactive data book introduces our region’s priority industry clusters, their importance to our region’s economy, and their alignment with the existing talent in our region.

Share Your Voice

We know there will be many perspectives about the data. We want to hear them. Our Collaborative meetings, committtees, and community events are great ways to provide your feedback and strengthen the research to ensure it is relevant and transformative.

We Prosper Together


This work would not have been possible without the commitment of our Leadership Council Members and the incredible partnership and expansive work of our Community Ambassadors whose outreach and engagement shaped our region’s strategic priorities. We would also like to acknowledge the work of Valley Vision and our funded partners, whose work is reflected throughout the regional plan. Last but not least, we would like to give a special thank you to our Brookings-affiliated Lead Research Partner, Cities GPS, for the extensive research and analysis conducted to produce these products.