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Yuba-Sutter Arts & Culture

Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture is a non-profit organization founded in 1981. We are the official local affiliate of the California Arts Council. Our programs include Arts in Education, Arts in Corrections, Murals of Live Oak, Veterans Initiative in the Arts, Center Stage Youth Theater program, World Music and Culture Series, Cover It! Utility Box Mini Mural Project, Scholastic Writing Awards, Poetry Out Loud, the Convergence Theatre Company, and many, many more. Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture is one of the highest ranked local arts agencies in the state. We are known for our professionalism, and we play an essential role in our communities to ensure the highest quality and widest variety of arts and cultural activities are available. We do this because our community needs it, and because we are looked to for leadership, expertise, and inspiration. We are connected with every aspect of life in Yuba- Sutter including government, businesses, non-profits, school districts and service clubs. We are also leaders in terms of our adopting and operationalizing meaningful diversity, equity and inclusion policies and accessibility protocols. Our vision is for our region to experience art every day and to recognize the arts in the everyday.
Member Details:
David Read
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