Robert Bendorf

Robert Bendorf

CEO at Enterprise Rancheria

Robert currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer for Enterprise Rancheria, Estom Yumeka Tribe of Maidu Indians. Robert spent the last twenty plus years in local government administration before he retired as the County Administrator for Yuba County in 2020, a position he held for the last fifteen years, working with numerous elected officials from counties, cities and special districts.

He has spent the last 38 years working in local government. After retiring from Yuba County, Robert has worked with numerous counties and cities, assisting them with a range of issues such as leadership, economic development, policy development, strategic planning, budgeting, good governance, and coaching and mentoring.

Over his career, Robert has been appointed to serve on numerous state and local committees and commissions including AB 109, Court Transfers, County – Court Mediations, California State Association of Counties (CSAC)/League of Cities Task Force on Homelessness, Governor Brown’s No Place Like Home Commission, eight years as a Board member of the CSAC Finance Corporation, fifteen years as an instructor and facilitator for the CSAC Institute for Excellence in County Government, instructing on a wide range of topics from budget and financial reporting, leadership, public engagement, Board relations and staff development. Robert has been invited to and participated as a panel member for numerous executive level and management position recruitments for California counties and cities and has been a guest speaker for several professional associations.