Sierra Business Council
Sierra Business Council (SBC) is a 501c3 non-profit corporation focused on triple-bottom-line
approaches to regional challenges. SBC has deep roots in community economic development,
particularly through a social equity and environmental justice lens.
For 30 years, SBC has served a broad network of more than 6,000 businesses, community organizations,
and local governments across the Sierra Nevada, building coalitions among a diverse set of
stakeholders. SBC has convened solution-focused stakeholder groups to create and implement
solutions to climate change challenges, affordable housing solutions, wildfire resilience, inclusive
economic development, small business resilience, and countless policy/advocacy campaigns for the
betterment of all life in the Sierras, including Placer and El Dorado communities and ecosystems.
Member Details:
- Email:
- CERF@sierrabusiness.org
- Website:
- https://www.sierrabusiness.org/